The work-life balance of a caregiver involves unorthodox, flexible, part-time schedules. Caregivers often travel to deliver services and enjoy the independence that comes from working directly with clients. Without constant oversight, how does your agency measure performance and compliance? Here are some ways to balance caregiver independence with organizational oversight.
Accessible Timeclocks
Your caregivers don’t need to spend time manually recording down their service hours. One of the first steps your agency can take is investing in timeclock software.
Timeclock software can provide a user-friendly mobile app that allows your caregivers to accurately clock in, even in remote locations. They can include overtime and shift switching. Many agencies are including travel time for services in remote locations. DCI’s software is GPS-enabled and includes two-step electronic visit verification.
Efficient Scheduling
Most caregivers desire a flexible schedule. Your agency’s
scheduling software should preferably be automated and user friendly. Employees should be able to navigate the interface simply, and your agency should have no difficulty creating and editing shifts.
Convenient Training
One way to battle caregiver turnover rates is to offer convenient training. Custom onboarding videos for your agency can induct staff members into your team. Ongoing training ensures compliance with CMS mandates. Online training software makes the process accessible to employees anywhere, at any time. Training notifications provide oversight by helping your agency ensure that caregivers possess the proper training and certifications before scheduling shifts. Caregiving can be a stressful, albeit rewarding, job. Your caregiving agency can operate efficiently, enforcing high standards of care and compliance, without stressing your caregivers out. Better yet, efficiency frees up revenue to offer incentives and bonuses to let your caregivers know they’re appreciated. Direct Care Innovations wants to provide you with software to make that happen. If you’re interested in learning about the next steps your agency can take, call (480) 295-3307 to request a free software demo.