Category: DCI Software
Authorization Challenges Related to COVID-19
By: Brian Perry For many provider agencies, during normal times managing authorizations can be tough. While new and additional authorizations for service are a welcome response to the pandemic and ensure that people will be healthy and safe, it can add undue administrative strain if your business management platform doesn’t provide the flexibility you need. […]
How People with Intellectual Disabilities are Experiencing the Pandemic
As the Coronavirus pandemic spreads, people with disabilities in the United States face daily struggles to cope with adjusting to a new lifestyle. The effects of the virus are drastic, and can even be catastrophic. While the virus may not necessarily be deadly to all people with disabilities, it has initiated new problems. Even so, […]
The Increasing Importance of a Business Management Platform to Manage Remote Employees
By Brian Perry Everything surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is demanding more staff to move into temporary remote positions that have never worked remotely or that require supervision. An agency has to quickly define policies and procedures for dealing with this need. This is stressful and can be financially detrimental to any agency that is not […]
Notifications Made Simple
During these trying times, it is important to be able to disseminate information to your employees quickly and efficiently, with minimal staff effort. This was always the intent of DCI’s News Posts section to allow you a simple and secure way to communicate with all your employees at once. Any time, anywhere. News posts are […]
2020 Technology Trends & How They Can Benefit Both Individuals & Their Caregivers
As the demand for excellent healthcare continues to grow, technology will continue playing a central role in the lives of elderly people, those with developmental, physical, or intellectual disabilities, and especially their caregivers. Recently, AARP released a report that showed an increasing interest in technology for older adults and people with disabilities. This tech market […]
March Is National Developmental Disabilities Month
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. A developmental or intellectual disability can be caused by accidents or arise before adulthood and impacts an adolescent’s physical, mental or behavioral development. Common developmental disabilities include ADHD, autism, vision impairment, hearing loss, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and more. During the month of March, activists and community members […]
Electronic Visit Verification Compliance
As technology continues to advance, it is becoming easier for staff/caregivers to provide healthcare services to individuals who live in remote areas or are limited by mobility. This includes people who cannot leave their homes due to medical or health issues, or those who are living with disabilities. To help encourage staff members to keep […]
Electronic Visit Verification With DCI
With mobile access, it’s becoming more of a possibility for people to be served and cared for at home. This is great for those living with disabilities or those with limited mobility. Below is some information about Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Mobile and Web Access When home and community-based services are provided, staff need a […]
The Custom Approach to a New Direct Care Software
The 21st Century Cures Act deadline is quickly approaching. According to the new regulations, all Medicaid agencies and care services must integrate some form of electronic visit verification (EVV) into their organizational processes. What this means is that home visits will be verified electronically and in real time. The deadline for implementation is January 1, […]
Manage Payroll Data for Home- and Community-Based Services
A key part of managing any type of home care agency is efficiently handling payroll. When payroll data is captured electronically, agencies have the peace of mind that human error will be avoided. Home care agencies should carefully review any type of timekeeping system to ensure they meet their specific needs. With DCI, the payroll […]